African penguins ( also called jackass penguins for their donkeylike braying ) face an uphill struggle to rebuild their population after a century of decline 在近一个世纪的种群衰退之后,非洲企鹅(因为它们的叫声象驴子,也被称作公驴企鹅)正面临着重建族群的重任。
African penguins ( also called jackass penguins for their donkeylike braying ) face an uphill stuggle to rebuild their population after a century of decline 非洲企鹅(因其声音象驴,也被称作驴企鹅)面临一个艰难的竞争以在一个世纪的的不断减少后重新增加他们的数量。
African penguins ( also called jackass penguins for their donkeylike braying ) face an uphill struggle to rebuild their population after a century of decline 非洲企鹅(又称驴子企鹅,因为它们那接近驴嘶的叫声)一个世纪以来数目持续减少,如今的它们正面临着一个艰苦的重建种群的斗争。
small penguin of South America and southern Africa with a braying call 同义词:Spheniscus demersus,